
Oracle DB to Postgres migration thoughts

Since I've started my work with Oracle (8i - so, a while ago), I can remember at least two PoC/tries to migrate production DB from Oracle RDBMS to another DB engine. Those were finished unsuccessfully with the decision to leave data and PL/SQL code as is. 

As many times mentioned by Steven Feuerstein and Tom Kyte, there is not much sense to pay for Oracle DB license and NOT to use SQL and PL/SQL to manage your data - its hard to imagine better way to do it, plus you've already paid for this. 

No matter what was the reason to start the migration, translation of PL/SQL can be the biggest challenge.

Here and in next posts I'm going to share my experience and few solution for migration issues. 

Here is an input: 
  • Oracle to Postgres 
  • using ora2pg as a tool to translate all the objects including PL/SQL and move the data 
  • tens of thousands lines of code to move 
  • small data size 

As an output, after running ora2pg, we have a lot of create statements, some of them running with no problem, rest is having two types of issues 
  • compilation issue - you cannot run create statement 
  • runtime issue - object is created but you have an issue when run procedure or function 

Lets consider some:
  • Oracle is tolerating data type mismatches - columns with foreign keys, joined columns, parameters of stored programs - in Postgres mismatches can cause an exception
  • dynamic sql statements are ignored by ora2pg
  • merge statement is not working in some of Postgres versions, but  we can use INSERT .. CONFLICT
  • LPAD function have different parameter types. Most likely when you see "no such function" error after migration, first thing to check is the parameter order and type
  • + operator is not working with date datatype out of the box, intervals can be a solution

 Lets continue in future posts and here is few links to cover other issues:

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